One person's trash is another's treasure. So goes the idiom. It is also a welcome fact, looking at the popular trend of upcycling.
This is gaining ground in Malaysia, whereby numerous brands have released fashion collections derived from discarded leftovers.
Fugeelah, a local social enterprise created for children and youth, recently released a limited edition range of bags. Each design is made from fabrics that would otherwise end up in a landfill.
The initiative is a partnership with couturier Khoon Hooi. Its aim is to encourage people to make meaningful choices with their purchases – or as Fugeelah puts it,"to make them count, to make them matter, to make a change."
After covering costs, the collaboration commits 100% of its profits towards paying for IGCSE examinations for students at Fugee School, a not-for-profit organisation that provides free education and community support to those in transit.